Liebster Award

liebster2I am very thankful to Wendy at Stand Upon Grace for nominating me for the Liebster award.   Check out her site for wonderful recipes and glimpses into her beautiful homestead.

Five Random Facts:

  1. I am a vegetarian.  Well, really a pescatarian but I rarely eat seafood.  I have been since I was 12 and I don’t really see that changing – but I don’t mind cooking meat for my husband or for guests and I have never felt the need to insist my personal beliefs on anyone around me (that’s one of my biggest pet peeves!).
  2. I just graduated college last month – earned my BS in Microbiology from UW.
  3. I got married in May.  When I tell this to people that don’t know me I usually get a strange look or a “really? you’re so young.”  Well, we’re not that young and he was my high school sweet heart – we’ve been together for eight years (yes, that’s since our freshman year of high school).  He is my best friend and we are so lucky to have found each other so early in life!
  4. I LOVE Christmas.  It is my favorite time of year and I happily admit to blasting Christmas tunes well before Thanksgiving.  I love everything about it, including baking cookies and cutting paper snowflakes!
  5. I am obsessed with anything floral.  Especially clothes – I have over 30 floral print dresses and can’t help myself from continuing to buy more.

Wendy’s Questions:

1.  What is your favorite recipe?

This is tough.  It’s either my mom’s recipe for zucchini bread or butterfinger cupcakes.

2.  How do you show/express love and kindness to others?

I try to express love and kindness to others in everything I do.

3.  What are your favorite ways, or activities, to spend time with those you love?

Being outdoors.  Hiking, camping, canoeing, picnicking, or just enjoying fresh air.

4.  What words do you live your life by?  What is your motto, or mantra for life?

Another tough one, I’d say that you must either accept things as they are or put the effort in to change them.  Some things just are, and it’s best to learn how to live with them because if you can’t, you will compromise your happiness and likely the happiness of those close to you.

5.  What is your wildest dream?

My wildest dream is to one day open a small family farm/petting zoo with a large barn that I would rent out for private events.  I have many doubts that this will be achieved, but it would be wonderful if it was!

My Nominees:

  1. Tahny cooks
  2. miki’s kitchen
  3. Sweet Precision
  4. Eat My Shortbread
  5. The Bubbly Baker

My 5 Questions:

  1. What is the best advice you have received (or can give to someone)?
  2. If you could change any one thing, what would it be?
  3. What is your least favorite thing to do?
  4. What is your favorite food to eat? to cook?
  5. What is the best way to spend free time?

For those with blogs chosen for the award– you copy and paste the award in your blog. You tell who nominated you with a link to my blog. You tell five random things about yourself and then answer my questions. When that is all done, nominate five bloggers that you follow and send them the rules and create five new questions for them to answer along with their random things.


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